Prolom Water

The Prolom Water mineral spring is found on the eastern slopes of Radan Mountain, which belongs to the oldest volcanic massif in the region. The whole Mt. Radan is a kind of ecological oasis, since in the diameter of 50 km there are no industrial facilities nor busy highways. The Prolom Water mineral spring and modern bottle filling plant are found in the immediate vicinity of the Prolom Spa, in which all healing properties of Prolom Water and the nature environment serve to improve health and vitality.

The Prolom Water mineral spring is found on the eastern slopes of Radan Mountain, which belongs to the oldest volcanic massif in the region. The whole Mt. Radan is a kind of ecological oasis, since in the diameter of 50 km there are no industrial facilities nor busy highways. The Prolom Water mineral spring and modern bottle filling plant are found in the immediate vicinity of the Prolom Spa, in which all healing properties of Prolom Water and the nature environment serve to improve health and vitality.

Prolom Water belongs to the group of low-mineralized, alkaline waters (pH 8,8 – 9.2), with hypothermic properties. It has natural diuretic and bacteriostatic effect. High alkalinity of Prolom Water makes it ideal for establishing body’s pH balance. Because of its low mineralization it can be consumed in great quantities, and its mineral composition is suitable for all population categories: children, pregnant women, adults, athletes and amateur sportsmen.

It is especially recommended for rehydration of our body and auxiliary mean in treatment of the following diseases:
– Kidney and urinary tract diseases,
– Digestive diseases,
– Skin diseases,
– Non-articular rheumatism.

On its way from the spring to the consumers, Prolom Water passes through an entirely closed system without any physical or chemical treatment. The first contact of Prolom Water and the external world is when you open the bottle!

Prolom Water belongs to the category of sodium-hydro-carbonate, silica, alkaline, oligomineral and hypothermal waters

Water temperature: 29-32°C.

pH value: 8,8 – 9,2

Cations (mg/l)Anions (mg/l)
Na: 47,80HCO3: 72,60
K: < 0,50Cl: 2,00
Ca: < 3,00SO4: 3,00
Mg: < 0,10F: 0,12

Metasilicic acid: 3,25 mg/l
Total dissolved solids: 148,00 mg/l

pH is a measure of the acidic or basic (alkaline) nature of a solution (concentration of the hydrogen ion [H+] activity in a solution determines the pH). The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, which is the most acidic, a pH of 7 is neutral, and 14 is the most alkaline. The pH scale is logarithmic and as a result, pH 8 is ten times more alkaline than 7, and pH 9 is hundred times more alkaline.

Our blood and other body fluids that surround the cells are slightly alkaline (pH from 7.2 to 7.45). If blood pH drops down to 6.9 a person falls into a coma or even dies.

Fortunately, our body has mechanisms that help it to keep its balance and prevent great changes of pH value. It is breathing – lungs, then the so called buffer systems in body fluids, and selection of hydrogen ions in kidneys.

However, the modern way of life can produce great quantities of the so called “acid waste” in our body.

97% of food that is product of metabolism produces acid waste, and one of the most important factors which cause acidity in the body are smoking, alcohol, stress and pollution.

Our body is forced to constantly fight to neutralize acids, which in time impoverish the reserves of our neutralization systems.

The acids that have originated burden our body on a long-term basis, which causes numerous issues: obesity, reduced immunity, lack of energy, but also a whole series of diseases connected with acidity, which include diabetes, osteoporosis, formation of kidney stones, arthritis, cancer, etc.

Alkaline water contains more negative OH- ions, which liberate more oxygen in the blood. In fact, if the blood is only a bit more alkaline (from 7.3 to 7.45) there will be approximately 2/3 more oxygen in it, available to all cells in our body!

Dr. Otto Warburg, who received two Nobel Prizes, discovered in 1932 that lack of oxygen in the cells causes cancer. Unlike the normal cells, cancer cells do not need oxygen and they flourish in an acidic environment.

Dr. Warburg also discovered that mutated receptors, which cause cancer, are unlikely to appear if pH value of cells is at a healthy alkaline level.

In order to fight with great quantities of acid waste the body produces to many free radicals, which induce oxidative stress not only on the waste, but also healthy cells.

Negative OH- ions from the alkaline water neutralize free radicals, i.e. act as a strong antioxidant.

The scientists tried to find out the reasons for longevity of certain nations and established that what they have in common is clean alkaline water!8,00 mg/l

Prolom Water thanks to its properties (oligomineral, alkaline, bicarbonate), is beneficial as auxiliary mean in treatment of the following diseases:

Kidney and urinary tract diseases:
• chronic renal and urinary tract infections,
• kidney stone and urinary tract stone,
• postoperative urinary tract state,
• benign prostate diseases.

Digestive diseases:
• hyperacid gastritis,
• ulcers of the stomach and duodenum,
• intestinal colitis,
• chronic constipation,
• inflammation of bile and the biliary tract,
• gallstones,
• postoperative state of digestive organs.

Skin diseases:
• psoriasis and other keratinization disorders,
• inflammatory dermatoses – eczema, mycosis, and the like.

Locomotor apparatus diseases:
• inflammatory rheumatism in early stage,
• degenerative rheumatism (arthrosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis),
• articular and non-articular rheumatism (fibromyalgia, myositis, tendinitis and panniculitis).

Prolom Water has an important role in preservation of health. It belongs to the group of rare low-mineralized waters, which we can drink throughout our life.

Kidney and urinary tract diseases

When kidney and urinary tract diseases are in question Prolom Water particularly helps in curing the following diseases:
• chronic kidney and urinary tract infections,
• kidney stone and urinary tract stone,
• postoperative urinary tract state,
• benign prostate diseases.

Due to its unique mineral and chemical composition, the natural mineral Prolom Water is most beneficial for kidneys.

Due to low mineralization it is quickly eliminated from the body and acts as an extremely good natural diuretic. Increased diuresis is used when stones of all kinds of composition are in question, since the concentration of salts in urine of which stones are formed is reduced. Specific weight of 1.000532 provides decrease in the urine specific weight , which is of utmost importance in treatment of calculosis.

Thanks to the microelement silicon in Prolom Water, kidney stone becomes smaller, silicon accelrates stone flushing out, facilitates painful urination, prevents urinary retention.

Prolom Water increases diuresis without changing the content of electrolytes. It protects the tissue of the urinary tract from being covered with decay urine products, thus preventing stone formation.

The presence of stone and sand causes mechanical damage of urinary tract mucosa, but the metasilicic acid in Prolom Water accelerates epithelization of the damaged tissue and reduces the size of solitary (individual) kidney cysts, and reduces the urea and creatinine levels in blood.

Prolom Water is good for the blood vessels in our whole body, thus renal blood vessels as well, which improves the general kidney status.
Research of the influence of Prolom Water on the elimination of kidney stone and urinary tract stone

Clinical trial where the elimination of kidney stone was analyzed, after ultrasound waves were used to break up the stones according to ESWL method, in patients who drank Prolom Water immediately after this intervention, proved that in 87% of patients stones were completely eliminated. Of this number, 10-19mm stones were eliminated 100%, and there were no complications nor secondary interventions during the study; however, there were complications and secondary interventions in the control group of patients who did not drink Prolom Water after the intervention.

Furthermore, a clinical study to test the effects of the use of Prolom Water, as auxiliary mean in the treatment of urinary tract infections, was performed. Already after 10 days there were considerable improvements, urine cultures remained sterile even 6 months after the termination of treatment.

The results of the mentioned clinical trial showed that results for patients with kidney stone and urinary tract stone who drank Prolom Water were twice as good compared to patients with the same difficulties who did not drink Prolom Water.

Digestive system

We recommend Prolom Water for digestive diseases:
• hyperacid gastritis,
• ulcers of the stomach and duodenum,
• intestinal colitis,
• chronic constipation,
• inflammation of bile and the biliary tract,
• gallstones,
• postoperative state of digestive organs.

Immediately after drinking Prolom Water the bicarbonates neutralize gastric acid, which reduces acidity of gastric juice. Dyspepsia (heartburn) problems are mitigated (uncomfortable feeling of fullness after meal, heartburn, bloating or nausea).

By drinking Prolom Water intestinal motor activity becomes quicker, which results in intestinal emptying, important when chronic constipation is in question.

Bicarbonates improve the liver excretory functions, which demonstrates in cholagogue effect. Bicarbonates increase biligenesis, which results in better emptying of the gall bladder.

Silicon in Prolom Water contributes to natural treatment of chronic inflammation of digestive organs and allergies, since it regulates immunological processes in our body. It accelerates epithelization and treatment of ulcers of the stomach, colon fistulas. Silicon reduces inflammation of the gall bladder mucous membrane, prevents formation and deposition of cholesterol crystals on the gall bladder walls, thus preventing appearance of mud. Like bicarbonates, it stimulates excretion and secretion of bile and accelerates regeneration of the damaged liver tissue.
How much Prolom Water should you drink?

If digestive diseases are in question, you should drink 2 glasses of Prolom Water in the morning, and a glass or two one hour to half an hour before a meal.

Prolom Water has no contraindications and you can drink it unlimitedly.

The effects are undisputable and clinically proved.



We recommend Prolom Water for the following skin diseases:
• psoriasis and other keratinization disorders,
• inflammatory dermatoses – eczema, mycosis and the like.

The use of Prolom Water and peloids has thermic, mechanic and chemical effect. There are significant changes in the skin morphology: stratum korneum and stratum lucidum become thinner, skin permeability increases. The activity of the inflammatory process is reduced, microcirculation is improved, there is positive effect on the immunological processes.

Balneotherapy in the Prolom Spa is indicated in treating eczema, psoriasis and other keratinization disorders, mycosis. Numerous studies tested the effect of balneotherapy on the psoriasis symptoms and signs. Large number of patients with psoriasis were monitored. A comparative study for testing the effect of balneotherapy with emollient and balneotherapy combined with topical medications, was performed.
Research of the influence of Prolom Water on skin diseases

There were several clinical studies on testing the effect of balneotherapy in the Prolom Spa on certain dermatoses, with a particular attention paid to psoriasis and eczema. After a seven-day balneotherapy in eczema, the average percentage of improvement of signs and symptoms was around 60%. When acute contact dermatitis is in question, the improvement percentage moved from 33 to 84%, while in neurodermatitis from 30 to 44%. When psoriasis was in question, the improvement percentage moved on average around 40% at the end of the third week when most of the patients are in question, and after four weeks 46% on average. The reactions of patients to balneotherapy are individual and in some cases the percentage of improvement moves even to 85%.

Locomotor apparatus

Prolom Water is beneficial for the locomotor apparatus diseases:
• inflammatory rheumatism in early stage,
• degenerative rheumatism (arthrosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis),
• articular and non-articular rheumatism (fibromyalgia, myositis, tendinitis and panniculitis).

The locomotor apparatus is the musculoskeletal system which enables movement; any difficulty in the functioning of the locomotor system results in back pain, pain in the neck, knees, shoulders, hips, etc. Rehabilitation is especially important after injury and surgery on the locomotor system.

Silicon is of utmost importance for the development of the skeletal system. It decreases the loss of calcium which is necessary for healthy bones and helps in osteoporosis treatment. It stimulates connective tissue and has an important role in its regeneration.

The levels of silicon in the bones and connective tissue decrease over time, and silicon from the metasilicic acid in Prolom Water is natural replacement for this mineral.

It is efficient when limb twist and joint dislocation are in question, torn ligaments, bone fractures. Also, it cures damaged tissue. Silicon contributes to renovation of connective tissue and cartilage renovation, improves limb joint mobility, decreases pain due to cartilage damage (osteoarthritis) and contributes to strengthening of connective tissue.

Natural factors in the Prolom Spa: mud and hydrotherapy with Prolom Water in combination with electrotherapy, manual massage, kinesitherapy mitigate degenerative processes in bones which make everyday movements and tasks painfully difficult.

The largest percent of our patients come to the Prolom Spa because of kidney, digestive and skin diseases, they complain of pain in the knees, shoulders, vertebra, hips, hand and leg joints, pain after total hip replacement, after spine surgery, fractures, joint twisting, etc.; thus, they are assigned to balneotherapy and physical therapy procedures for decreasing subjective difficulties, and all rehabilitation efforts are made to enable our patients to perform everyday life activities. These programs are aimed at reestablishing mobility, improving rough muscle strength, preserving or improving movement activities, coordination and decreasing pain.